Անգլերենի 2023-ի ապրիլյան ֆլեշմոբ

I.  A)B)C) տարբերակներից ընտրեք տրամաբանական շարունակությունը

You have a friend and it is his/her birthday today.

a) Can you help me with presents?

b) Happy birthday my dear friend, my best wishes to you and your family

c) It is  my birthday.  


You are reading a very interesting book and you want your friends to read that book, too. What will you say?

a) I usually read a book in the evenings.

b)  I am reading a very good book and I want you to read it, too.

c) It is a very nice film. Watch it and you will like it.


Where are you now?

a) We are having dinner..

b) We meet our friends at the cinema .

c) We are at our friends’ party.


You want to go for a walk now. You want your friend to come with you. What will you ask him on the telephone?

a) Hello, Aram what are you going to do tonight? (այս երեկո)

b) Hello, Aram I am sad and I want to go out for a walk now, will you join (կմիանաս ինձ) me, please?

c) Hello, Aram, I am going to school,, will you come with me /կգաս ինձ հետ/?


Գրիր մի փոքր պատում այն մասին, թե ինչ ես անում տանը ամեն օր: Վերնագրիր այսպես՝ My Day

My Day

Every morning I make my bed after waking up. I wash my face, teeth and hands. I have a breakfast and go to school.

Անգլերենի 2023-ի մարտ ֆլեշմոբ

Նա գեղեցիկ (ինչպիսի՞) աղջիկ է: She is a beautiful girl.

Նա գեղեցիկ (ինչպե՞ս) է պարում: She dances beautifully.

Նա միշտ արագ (ինչպիսի՞) պատասխան է տալիս: He always gives a quick answer.

Նա միշտ արագ (ինչպե՞ս) է պատասխանում: He always answers quickly.                                                          Ընտրի՚ր ճիշտ բառը:              

1.       Tom is a (careful, carefully) boy.

Tom is a careful boy.

2.       Tom usually reads texts (careful, carefully).

Tom usually reads texts carefully.

3.       Students speak (quiet, quietly) in the library.

Students speak quietly in the library.

4.       Students are usually (quiet, quietly) in the library.

Students are usually quiet in the library.

5.       The Opel is a (slow) car.

The Opel is a slow car.

6.       The Opel moves (slowly).

The Opel moves slowly.

7.       The Ferrari moves (quick, quickly).

The Ferrari moves quick.

8.       The Ferrari is a (quick, quickly) car.  

The Ferrari is a quick car.

 II. Watch this film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcX63TIBKXE                                                                         Read these sentences and answer the question.             “What did they do on these days?”  

We climbed a volcano. We walked across the island. We went swimming and fishing, We made a shelter out of bamboo and palm leaves. We swam all day and all night until we reached land. A ship sailed by. The band practiced on the beach. We walked around the island.  


Day 1

We swam all day and all night until we reached land. First we must sleep and rest.

Day 2

They need to find food.

Day 3

They need to find water.

Day 4

They climbed a volcano. At the top there was a pool of fresh rain water. It was deliciours. Now we must explore more of the island.

Day 5

They need to make shelter.

Day 6

Now we must have some music.

Day 7

They see shap but shap dasnt see them.

Day 364

The shap finsdam and they go home.

III. Մի քանի նախադասությամբ կարագրեք գարունը

We play outside. Nature wakes up.